Saturday, August 21, 2010

WHat do you think of interacial marriages and couples? do u think it's wrong or right?

Do u think mixed people are glorified or put down more often. i tend to see them glorified because their light and supposledy in the black community the lighter the better. What do u think of that?WHat do you think of interacial marriages and couples? do u think it's wrong or right?
I think its wonderful!

I don't care if its a white women with a black man, or a Hispanic women with a white man or Whatever!!!!!!!!!WHat do you think of interacial marriages and couples? do u think it's wrong or right?
Why do people always think black/white when they hear ';interracial?'; or ';mixed';? It's not ALWAYS that combination... I date outside of my ethnic group, and it's not because I dislike/disown my heritage, I think Asian women are beautiful, I just never had much of a connection with them. My gf who I'm going to marry is White/Costa Rican. I'm Vietnamese/French, and we know what it's like to have to fit in or be outcasted by groups because you weren't ';enough'; of something. I don't like how they make being mixed a 'trend' these days.
I think that anyone who gets into a relationship just so they can have a ';trophy'; girlfriend/boyfriend is an idiot. They not only have no respect for themselves, but also none for the person they are dating. If the person that he/she is dating is with them for feelings they have, its unfair to that person.

I don't mind if people are dating for the right reasons, but when its nothing but superficiality, then that pisses me off.
We do not want or need that kind of integration that literally results in nothing in terms of economic advancement for our people. If we wanted better relations between Black and White includes OTHERS, Black people, first have to come into a knowledge of self our ORIGINS , GOD, ORIGIN OF OTHERS .

This act on our part will earn the respect of self as well as others. It will ultimately help us to have better relations with those who see us as an unwanted burden in this society. Racial harmony to me does not mean just racial mixing only. Racial harmony to me means mutual respect of one people for another , unless greater understanding each other.

Self respecting WHITE MAN do not want to see us with their WOMEN, Unless we have great understanding of others and great understanding of value love, Love is Freedom, justice, Equality. One way to have good race relations is to leave their women and girls alone. Some of us have a false love for the WHITE WOMAN, and some of us have a false love for the WHITE MAN. Some want the former slave master鈥檚 woman because the former slave master has always had free access to our women, and some want the White man because he wields great power in the society.

LOVE IS HIGHEST ORDER OF GOD. So where there is love, love transcends our racial denomination or ethnicity. Love is the great power of transformation. I don't think that we can say when two people are in love that they shouldn't marry one another.

We must ask the question of those who have gone the way of having interracial relations, is the love a true love, or is it merely an acting out of a corrupted fantasy which is held by both Black and White? When we, as a people, are healed of our mental, moral and spiritual sickness, then maybe we can look across racial lines and see the true value and worth of one another. However, healing of the deadly diseases of White supremacy and Black inferiority has to take place first!
Now that I read your question, it seems you meant it for black/white couples. Oh well, same thing as it was for us [white guy/latin girl].....the most important aspects are not the skin color, but the love, repect and devotion to the relationship.

I've been in an interrracial relationship for 16 years, married for 12. It wasn't because of, or in spite of, our racial difference. We just fell in love. People should be able to be with the one that captures their heart.
I agree with you on the fact that black men tend to put non-black women on a pedestal. Kind of sad. Black women are just as wonderful in my opinion. But hey, if that's what they prefer what the hell can I do about it?
There was a danger. If White and Blacks had minimal chromosomal differences due to evolutionary divergence, their kids would have had fertility problems. Thank god they don't.
What could possibly be wrong with two people finding love? No matter what the race or gender.

Mixed race children are beautiful.
Now I see a move away from glorifying lighter people and accepting the colors of all black people.
I dont see anything wrong with that. I dont see why being in a different race be of hindrance for their union.

@ Yong Peng Sung : wtf! Your theory only applies to dogs!
they're great. I'm in a interracial relationship.

I'm african-american, and my my bf is libyan.
Its great :)

interracial marriage made my life possible :)
I really don't care what other people do unless it deals with me directly.
its right or i wouldnt have been here
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