Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are you for or against the adoption of children by couples of different ethnicities?

Why ?Are you for or against the adoption of children by couples of different ethnicities?
For...children who need homes and love shouldn't have to do without because the potential adoptive parents aren't the same race or ethnicity they are. Why punish the child? Love knows no color, or language barrier, or culture...Are you for or against the adoption of children by couples of different ethnicities?
If a child is available for adoption it is because the parents that shared a culture and physical traits with them chose for whatever reason not to parent them. In that case, parents who want to love and raise that child are preferable to none at all.

Couples adopting any child should be prepared to help them understand their background and heritage when the child becomes old enough to wonder about what makes them who they are. If that takes some research into a culture that is foreign to your own so be it, parents should do whatever is needed to help their kids deal with whatever issues life throws at them.
As long as the child is care for it does not matter.
Does it matter as longs as the child is taken care of really good and not treated harshly.
For. very much so.
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