Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does application of In vitro fertilization (Test tube baby) decreases/ voids the intimacy between couples?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed.Does application of In vitro fertilization (Test tube baby) decreases/ voids the intimacy between couples?
By the time a couple has gotten to IVF, they have already been through a lot as a couple. I would say IVF increases the intimacy because after a certain point baby-making sex is no longer creating intimacy. Infertility is really hard on a relationship and I think that having a solution for that helps relationships more than it hinders it.Does application of In vitro fertilization (Test tube baby) decreases/ voids the intimacy between couples?
No one wants to have IVF but if they can not have a baby naturally then this may be their only option.

As to whether it decreases intimacy between couples it depends greatly on the couple! IVF does not mean that a couple can not make love or be intimate. It is just another means of having a longed for little baby, which may increase intimacy and add more meaning to a relationship.
No, it shouldn't and if it does having a child isn't going to make this relationship stronger.

Deciding to do IVF is a hard decision for couple to make so if they can make this decision together then they are in this for the long haul .

I don't think people refer to them as test tube babies anymore?

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