Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do married couples always seem to look like eachother?

After a while, it seems that married couples kinda end up looking like eachother. Anyone know why?Why do married couples always seem to look like eachother?
This is an easy answer. The wife buys all the crap for them both to wear.Why do married couples always seem to look like eachother?
Yes, it is because of the amount of time they spend together. They end up picking up each others' facial expressions and mannerisms.

Perhaps part of the reason some couple look like each other physically is because many women (who had a good relationship with their father) are attracted to men that remind them of their fathers. Its not like women are attracted to their fathers, it's just that is what they grew up knowing as a ';good man';. Naturally women have some of their fathers genetic makeup and look like their father, and if they are attracted to men that look like their father then the men they are attracted to will look a little like themselves (confusing, sorry). There was an article about it on yahoo awhile back.
I read about this once...

It's because they talk to each other so much and make the same facial expressions, shaping their faces to look the same.
they dont look like each other except on rare occasions and that is just weird.
Well, I'd say the majority of them don't, but I have seen it. Sometimes it's because they have a shared ethnicity. But there's a more interesting reason - sometimes a person chooses a spouse because they like how they themselves look, and choose someone who looks like. One of my sisters and her husband look like they could be brother and sister, but she doesn't see at all how much they look alike! It's kind of freaky.... It's kind of the ultimate in narcissism, making love to yourself....
';Always'; is not a very good word. If you use the word ';sometimes,'; you are generally on the right track. Jimobasa has hit the nail on the head. See why you should try to avoid the word ';aways?';
I think its because they eat together and sleep together, They spend such a large percentage of their time together its inevitable.
I've seen a dog and its owner look alike.

Spend enough time around someone (or something), you automatically start to look like them. I think it's in the way facial muscles move to express themselves. You automatically copy. It's subconscious; subliminal.

Know how we all have a certain way of saying things, a certain tone to our voice? Well I've noticed that after a while, my workmates will start to say things the way I do, and I also do the same, because I overhear them speaking all the time, without even being conscious of it.

I wouldn't mind looking like my wife a little. A little beauty balances things out, right?

A lot of couples that have been married for like half a century look like brother and sister after that long.
LOL, this is true isnt it. It doesnt even have to happen over time, my husband and I started right off the bat looking like each other. The first time I went to my husbands office after he had introduced me as his wife his boss told me he thought I was his sister not his wife.

I guess its because we tend to choose mates that remind us of our parents (fathers for girls, mothers for boys) and we must choose this way in looks as well, so if we choose a man who looks like our fathers then we naturally look like our dads, so we'll look like our husbands too. Thats my best guess.
lol! great question . . . i find that true too, and still don't know why but it is irritating =)
One of my best friends is Indian and his wife is from turkey

They look nothing alike and have been together for over 10 years.

I think it's dogs and their owners that look alike ?
there interests on looks start connecting cuz they talk 2 each other so much
you think that's bad,how about when they start to look like their dogs?
It's part of that mutual attraction and chemistry. Likeness meets and is attracted to likeness.
I believe it kinda goes back to the Oedipus complex.

Basically it states that (in a man's case) a man want's to kill his father and marry his mother (and a similar case for women also).

Another known statement is that men tend to date people similar to their mothers, esp. in the looks category. Even I've noticed myself doing the same.
Not physically but perhaps their mannerism, behavior or actions may appear similar. After marriage and spending so much time together, they tend to mimick each other.
Because they are ';茂n tune';with each other so much.
Don't know why, but when I was younger I used to think most married couples were actually brothers and sisters!

It's the same with dog owners, have you noticed how their dogs resemble them, sometimes in looks and sometimes in character (closeted character too)
I think it's because they are together a lot, they end up sometimes even wearing the same type of clothes and saying the same things... which of course makes them look llike each other a lot more... it's loooove
that's the nature of love!!!!!!!!
if they keep looking at each other, they get their looks....i dont know!
good question...I like to know myself too...also, pet and pet owner also look like each other in time AND as a added bonus your pet adapt your personality and lifestyle. lol!
I read an article on msn a while back that was about a study that said a lot of people are attracted to people who look like themselves or have certain traits that are very similar to the traits they have.

Its kinda just about all the chemistry involved with attraction

I think also when your with someone for a while you start to dress more alike and take on traits the other person has like ways they move or faces they make or hand gestures they make.
The first reason would be that we spend so much time together we pick up each other's habits, expressions, mannerisms.

The second reason is that normally the wife ends up dressing the husband like she wants him to dress. (Face it fellas, a t-shirt and tennis shoes are not appropriate for all venues!!!) You tend to begin mirroring these things when you're dating, kind of matching your styles to each other.
Cause if they have the same quite or wild personalities they might do the same things. For example, if there was a couple and they were both on the wild side they would probably wear simular clothes to fit their personalities.
Well I'm a slim white guy 5'6'; tall and 138 pounds and my beautiful beloved wife Marlene is a Black Jamaican lady 5'9'; tall and 350 pounds. I don't think we'll ever get to look like each other
Because when 2 people get married the become one and when they are in love they look like eachother. I looked just like my best friend in high school because we use to be together all the time, we looked like sisters... at least thats what people use to say now she moved away we dont look alike anymore but we are still friends. I think its just a matter of being together all the time youjust start to resemble eachother.
It's not really a physical thing; it's the fact that they spend so much time together that they pick up each other's expressions and mannerisms.
because they spend so much time together that that adapt to how each other dresses and then start to adapt their own style to their partners. It also has a great deal to do with their connection to each other, especially if they have children.
Its like people kind of look like there pets.
thats called inbreeding and its wrong
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