Friday, July 30, 2010

4 couples are getting together for Newyears Eve...any suggestions for fun games to play other than the usuals?

Last New Years Eve a handful of friends and I played a game called Apples to Apples. Its a game that can be really fun for children or adults and can be hilarious. If your gonna be around the home, this game can be a really good time with lots of laughs.4 couples are getting together for Newyears Eve...any suggestions for fun games to play other than the usuals?
Print out one of those purity tests from somewhere online, just pick your favorite. Those are really fun to do in a group, especially if there are couples involved. You learn suprising things about your friends and it's hysterical!4 couples are getting together for Newyears Eve...any suggestions for fun games to play other than the usuals?
got any pickles...
Guess I'll go ahead and state the obvious...

Wife Swap.
I am not sure what your usual games are but some of my favorite group games are: Taboo, Scene it TV, WTF (鈥?/a> or karaoke. Have fun!
Have everyone bring 5 pieces of clothing each....Have two plastic bags big (garbage bags) and as they enter your home,.they are to put the pieces of clothing into the bags.. Items can also include jewelry, wigs, boots scarves, hats, gloves, socks, underwear, bra, slippers...purse......The game is simple.....

Have two rows of people like, guy, girl,guy,girl on each row..

Then someone plays a song on the radio, or use a 10 minute timer....When done, the row with the most clothes on wins the booby prize...You have to move fast. Take an item and put it on and pass the bag....first thing you touch, you put on....Everyone starts to look funny with the variety of items of clothing....We thought it was funny years ago....Always do pictionary with a big tablet of paper on an easel..Unless this is your usual.

Charades was always fun.......Buy a game book of questions and see how people answer them..You may be surprised...

Happy New Year and have a safe holiday.....

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