Friday, July 30, 2010

Should same sex couples be entitled to IVF treatment on the NHS?鈥?/a>

Basing the criteria on infertility does I think amount to discrimination of same sex couples. What do you think?Should same sex couples be entitled to IVF treatment on the NHS?
i think as long as your a happy stable couple and have the money for a baby i think yes you have every right. good luckShould same sex couples be entitled to IVF treatment on the NHS?
Now that i understand your question I can see it's a very good one!

A 'normal' couple (sorry didn't know how else to word it!) would only be entitled to fertility treatment on the NHS if the long list of criteria was met... I'm not sure what the rules are on same sex couples, I'm sure each area would have different rules....

It's a very touchy subject and I can understand both sides of the argument...

But their point is, Gay or straight:

infertile = NHS fertility treatment... or

no fertility issues = no NHS fertility treatment.

The same rules apply for 'normal' couples, you can only have it for a medical reason. Just because they are 'same sex' doesn't mean they can ignore the criteria that others have to go through. Then that would become unfair too. A normal couple couldn't expect NHS IVF without having a diagnosed fertility problem which has been ongoing for a least two years...

But I can completely understand how sad it must make them to not be entitled to financial help to pay for their treatment... but sorry I don't believe they can jump the queue for being gay...
Listen...look at the Octuplet lady. She has no job, but the money. She is not married, so i dont see why someone else that is not married, regardles of the partner choice, shouldnt be allowed the same of luck if you are trying to conceive :)
what are you trying to say? Please edit before you send through...your statement doesn't make any sense!

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